Coaching and consulting for women who want to leverage and scale their their business without sacrificing their life to do it
Ready to work it, next level style?
Tell me if this rings true for you, too:
“The laptop lifestyle?” More like, “This laptop IS my lifestyle.” You haven’t closed it since you opened your business.
Sometimes you fantasize what it would be like to not have your eyes and fingers glued to a screen 24/7. Maybe you’ll find out when you retire. At 85. Because, although you have enough clients to get by, now your calendar is full and your income is capped, so you aren’t earning the extra money to *ahem* actually save for retirement. Hello time-for-money hamster wheel!
You want to be an inspiration to your family and your girlfriends and other women who discover you. Because, you’ve got real brilliance, baby, and you were made to let it shine. Can’t let God’s gifts sit by the wayside, can we?
But with your current business model, you’re hustling around the clock, and you’ve got very little time to eat, much less add one more client or sales call to your calendar.
You're facing a
To the left, you see a future where nothing changes.
It’s another year of dry eyes and tension headaches as you work yourself into the grave. Your bank account stays the same or, heaven forbid, drops because this current way of working just isn’t working for you.
It’s 365 days of painfully awkward conversations that rarely lead to sales (because you really don't want to do the work), steady "marketing" that goes nowhere, and working your tail off but still feeling like a failure. Sure, money will come in. It always does. But it’ll take soooo much effort to make it happen.
On your worst days, you fantasize about putting your résumé back up on Indeed. Hey, at least when you’re in a corporate job, you get paid vacation and the occasional cake in the break room, right?
To the right, it’s a lit-up road of business bliss.
You’re doing the work you were born to do. Your clients are lining up out the door, around the block and into the next town to work with you, because your reputation is legendary.
Your business is running like a well-oiled machine with a stable foundation to support it, sky-high revenues coming in and balance in between.
You know what you’re selling and how to sell it, and your prices and packages match the incredible value you’re bringing to the table.
Your calendar is NOT full but your bank account is. You're serving the right clients in the right container to support the lifestyle you want to live — one with vacations and shopping sprees and date nights where you *gasp* don’t even have to check your email.
Your business is good, but your life is better. Hallelujah!

I want you to know that this, and so much more, is totally possible for you.
And I can help you get it.

Listen, you’re already a total boss.
You’ve made it this far already, and I’m seriously proud of you. It takes real grit, gumption and faith to get where you are now. But you wouldn’t have arrived on this website today if where you are now was good enough for you.
Too many of us suffer in silence, thinking that we just need to be grateful for the things we have, or hoping that if we just buy this course or watch this webinar or get this fancy tool, our business will explode overnight.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from helping my clients hit $100 million in revenue, it’s this:
There isn’t a silver bullet for your business, girl.
And you don’t want to go further down the rabbit hole, trying to take on more "less-than-ideal" clients or building a team if it only slaps a big ol' Band-Aid over the real problem:
There’s a huge gap between SELLING the work and DOING the work.
When most people become an entrepreneur, they skip the foundations and get right to the marketing, acting more like a pop-up shop than a profitable business.
But the basics, like having a solid business model, are what make you strong, sustainable and sales-worthy.
If you want to rise to the top, you gotta start from the bottom.
If you want the level of clients, cash and confidence you’re seeking, it’s gonna take a whole lot of looking at things differently, trying things you’ve never tried, and being a woman you’ve never been. Preach.
But you definitely do not have to do this alone. *Puts on her superwoman cape*
I’ve not only built this business of mine to 7 figures, but I’ve helped other entrepreneurs increase their freedom, income, and impact through my potent mix of coaching, consulting and strategy.
I have a confession to make:
I am O-B-S-E-S-S-E-D with optimizing your success.
Like charts and spreadsheets tracking your progress obsessed. Like "Oh my God, I thought of the perfect package for you when I was in the shower!” obsessed.
To put it another way, I feel about your business the way girls everywhere feel about Rihanna’s make-up line. #Fentyforlife
So, let’s get upfront and personal with how you and I will work, play and profit together.
Want a snapshot of how I work with my clients, all laid out in front of you?
Put on your favorite glasses and take a peek.
Introducing my 'rinse and repeat' strategy for helping you leverage your brilliance, market your message, scale your sales organically, so you can build a 7-figure business, 6-figures at a time™ with more freedom and impact.

Phase 1:

Go from confusion to clarity on how to package your expertise into a profitable program, and then position it so holy grail clients say: "Wow, I want it and I want it NOW!"
- Proprietary Process – Package your expertise into a unique branded framework that gets clients results and establishes you as a market of one.
- Profitable Program – Design a framework-based, scalable group program that commands a premium price, leverages your time, generates revenue month-over-month, and delivers your clients incredible results (and you referrals)..
- Premium Positioning – Elevate your expert positioning and messaging to call in premium, holy grail, hot-to-buy clients.

Phase 2:

Map out your daily, weekly, and monthly organic lead generation and social selling strategies to captivate your holy grail clients and move them from content to close

- Amplify Audience – Master one-to-one and one-to-many organic marketing strategies to grow your audience with highly targeted leads.
- Captivating Content – Map out your expert topics and messaging ecosystem so you can create content so good your ideal clients can't ignore you.
- Social Selling – Leverage social media and sell by chat to take connections from cold leads to warm prospects to hot-to-buy paying clients.

Phase 3:

Design your simple, signature, one-to-many sales strategy that takes you from enrolling a trickle of clients to closing clients by the dozens with live virtual Winning Workshop Weeks™
- Profitable Planning – Clarity your workshop week positioning, messaging, dates and revenue goals so you magnetize quality leads and knock your sales goals out the park.
- Persuasive Promotion – Publicize, prime, and pre-qualify participants to build anticipation for your content and spotlight your hot-to-buy leads.
- Provocative Production – Prepare, present and pitch your content in a way that creates massive demand for what you offer and enrolls clients like clockwork.

This process meets you where you are, whether you're trying to hit your first 6 figures or make your next 6-figure leap.
By the end of our time together, you’ll:
- Have more spaciousness in your calendar to spend more timing with family, friends and traveling the world
- Have a business that lights you up AND gets your clients incredible results
- Feel aligned and confident about your brand message, making it easier to powerfully stand out from the crowd
- Attract more clients who can actually pay you (no more skipped payments, late installments or broken contracts)
- Have a strategic content strategy to close clients inside and outside of launches with simplicity, ease and fun
- Be able to sell at scale and stop relying on one-to-one sales calls to do the heavy lifting for you
- Increase your income from getting more clients, charging more money, or both
- Work with holy grail clients you love and who love you for the transformational work you do with them
- Know with 100% certainty who your ideal clients are, where to find them and how to get them to hire you
- Identify your proprietary process that’s totally compelling, unique and duplicatable so you can scale with ease
- Have crystal clear clarity on what makes you extra special and 'buy-from-able'
- Have your expertise packaged and priced by the outcome, not by the hour, so you can serve clients one-to-many
- Enjoy working in your business now that the puzzle pieces are lined up for your success (no more guesswork)
- Have a rinse & repeat sales system that closes clients in droves
- Command premium prices and stand in the value of what you can bring to the table
- Feel confident, calm and relaxed generating predictable income month-over-month
Ready to take action and elevate your freedom, income and impact?
Collected $82K in cash and added 5 team members!
Within the first month of working with Sharell, I generated the same amount of income that I made the entire previous year. During our entire time working together, I brought in $82,000 in additional revenue (cash collected) and added 5 people to my team.
AdeOla Fadumiye Podcast Manger, Writer & Editor, Crys & Tiana

4 new clients in 2 weeks & blew through income goals!
I close 4 new clients within 2 weeks of joining Sharell’s program. By 2.5 months in, I signed on enough clients to blow past my $10,000 per month income goal, and hired my first assistant.
Kierra Wilson Facebook Marketing Coach